Public Function add_alt_part(ByVal part_num As String, ByVal rev As String, _
ByVal domain As String, ByVal alt_part As String, _
ByVal alt_rev As String, ByVal alt_domain As String, _
ByVal is_reciprocal As Boolean) As Integer
This API causes the second part/revision listed to become an alternate part of the first one listed. If the is_reciprocal flag is set to True, then the first part/rev will also be added as an alternate of the second part/rev.
Parameter Name Required? Description
part_num Yes The primary part number
rev Yes The primary part revision
domain Yes The domain of the primary part
alt_part Yes The part number of the alternate part
alt_rev Yes The revision of the alternate part
alt_domain Yes The domain of the alternate part
is_reciprocal Yes Should the first part/rev be made an alternate of the second part as well?
(True), or not (False)
Value Meaning
0 No errors
-1 Primary part number is missing
-2 Primary domain is missing
-3 Alternate part number is missing
-4 Alternate domain is missing
-5 Primary part/revision cannot be found
-6 Alternate part/revision cannot be found
-7 The second part is already an alternate for the first
· Make WordPerfect 7.0 an alternate part for MS Word 7.0, but not the other way around.
Visual Basic:
Dim ret_int As Integer
ret_int = fccl.add_alt_part("MS Word", "7.0", "Product", "WordPerfect", _
"7.0", "Product", False)
var ret_int = fccl.add_alt_part("MS Word", "7.0", "Product", "WordPerfect",
"7.0", "Product", false);
· Do the same, but make the assignment reciprocal.
Visual Basic:
Dim ret_int As Integer
ret_int = fccl.add_alt_part("MS Word", "7.0", "Product", "WordPerfect", _
"7.0", "Product", True)
var ret_int = fccl.add_alt_part("MS Word", "7.0", "Product", "WordPerfect",
"7.0", "Product", true);